
Letters to the Editor: Why doesn’t Armenia get more attention from the rest of the world?

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2018 is a special celebratory year during which the wedding bells of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been rung, the torch of the Winter Olympics lit, France won the FIFA World Cup, William Saroyan’s museum opened in Fresno and Armenia’s flag orbits Earth on the International Space Station.

2018 also marks the centenary signing of the armistice ending World War I by the victorious Battle of Arara, fought by the Armenian legions of the French army; Pulitzer Prize winner Saroyan’s 110th and Armenia’s last King Levon V’s 625th anniversaries.

2018 is full of noteworthy events for the Armenians, which has anniversaries marking events that happened millennia, centuries, and decades ago.

2018 marks the centenary of the first Armenian Declaration of Independence; the victory of the Battle of Sardarabad that guaranteed the survival of the Armenian nation; and the 30th and 27th anniversaries of the liberation of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) and Artsakh’s independence respectively.

What’s the point of celebrating our centenary if it remains unknown to the world? Homenetmen (Boy Scouts), banned 98 years ago by the Soviet Union, celebrated its centennial Sept. 16 in Glendale by a marching band.

Armenia, the cradle of civilization, celebrated its 27th independence Sept. 23 at Verdugo Park. Armenia’s capital, Yerevan, celebrates its 2.8th millennia anniversary in October.

The battle called Wedding in the Mountains occurred 26 years ago, when Armenia’s Shushi was liberated in a crucial victory. Karavajar was liberated a quarter of a century ago.

How loud do our trumpets have to be for the world to hear us? The Soyuz spacecraft salutes Yerevan’s 2800th anniversary with Armenia’s and Yerevan’s flags.

Rachel Melikian

