
Commentary: Mailbag: Questions linger over Hoover incident and GUSD’s handling of it

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We are a united group of parents with students at Hoover High School. We have given the administration, the Glendale Unified School District and the school board ample time to come forward with the truth, yet they continue to cover up the cause and the long-simmering, underlying issues at this school.

The kids have started a movement. They demanded change by standing up for what is right. Racially motivated attacks on teammates and other students will not be tolerated.

And now, the parents are demanding action.

We have come to learn in speaking with parents from other GUSD schools that this is not just a Hoover High issue, this is a GUSD issue. All students’ safety is still at risk because of the continued lack of correct action taken by the administration and district.

The suspensions and cancellation of games is completely one-sided and directed to punish the football team but has punished the entire student body at both Hoover and Glendale high schools.

As parents, we are standing with our kids and will continue to insist on change.

The first positive step that needs to be taken by GUSD officials to show they truly do have the kids’ best interest at heart is to reschedule the football game for Hoover versus Glendale.

On Oct. 25, we received an email from the district saying the game was canceled due to increased rumors of possible disruptions. On Oct. 28 Dr. Earl (Hoover principal) said in an email it was important we know there was no outside threat toward students or staff. On Oct. 29, statements by Supt. Roberson and GUSD board president Gregory Krikorian said the game was cancelled because of CIF violations. So, which is it? Threats, disruptions, CIF violations or district officials continuing to cover up their missteps?

Maria Mangasarian

Jackie Escalera

Jeanene Bautista

Melva Harris

Cindy Ferreras

Rosa Corrales

Lili Gonzalez

Moryah Patron

Laury Kelly

Cynthia Ruiz


During the Nov. 5 school board meeting the racism issue was discussed regarding the Oct. 3 brawl and two students were mentioned by name as being involved.

Racism is certainly a problem within our society, but bullying is also a big issue. Why was the student who bullied the special-needs student not identified?

Byron Harris



Mother Armenia recently lost her most famous son, who sang “Ave Maria” for the Holy Pope John Paul II, and we mourn singing his song “La Mamma” to Mother Armenia to relieve the pain of her loss.

French-Armenian singer Charles Aznavour had the honor of having a national homage funeral with military salutes on Friday, Oct. 5 in Paris by Napoleon’s tomb at the Invalides (military history complex). French President Emmanuel Macron gave an 18-minute eulogy. Both Armenia and Artsakh declared a national day of mourning and held requiems in the Armenian churches Saturday.

Singing “La Mamma” on the annual eve of Aznavour’s funeral will never extinguish Mother Armenia’s most beloved star’s light.

The legendary Aznavour (born Shahnour Vaghinag Aznavourian) championed all his life for the Armenian Genocide to be recognized worldwide. Although Aznavour’s death was a great loss, global media coverage of his death that acknowledges the genocide is a victory.

Aznavour sold 180 million albums worldwide and wrote more than 1,000 songs. He dedicated his song “Ils Sont Tombés” (“They Fell”), to the Armenian Genocide victims.

Aznavour cannot be cut from Mother Armenia’s umbilical cord.

Rachel Melikian

