
Letters to the Editor: Spend more dollars on enforcing existing speed limits rather than creating new ones

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Re: “Bill would give cities tools they need to crack down on speed,” Forum page, March 17. Another commentary by Laura Friedman, our ultraliberal/progressive representative to the state Assembly appeared in Saturday’s News-Press.

This time she is letting us know that what we need to “crack down on speeding” is new legislation (AB2363) which, after a long protracted explanation, would allow “local authorities” to adjust speed limits.

Is she aware that on March 12 in a 5½-hour period, 63 speeding violations were cited on only four major Glendale streets? I am sure that each of those streets had posted speed limit signs every couple of blocks. Regardless of speed limit signs speeders speed. Why? I contend that they just don’t care what the speed limit is and don’t care what the consequence is if, on the rare occasion, they do get caught.

In addition she feels (my word) that this new legislation will work with cities across California to increase pedestrian and bike safety.

I see bike lanes and bike pictures in streets all over Glendale. What I don’t see is lots of people riding bikes.

Whenever a liberal wants to make a point they cite “safety” as a major reason for the change.

Maybe if we spent more money on enforcement of existing speed limits and cellphone laws, and less on feel-good things like bike lanes and markings, the streets would be safer.

In the meantime pass some legislation that makes speeders and cellphone talkers and texters care more. Just a thought.

Jim Kussman

