
Rep. Schiff calls Obama’s proposals to curb gun violence ‘reasonable’

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Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) praised President Obama’s announcement Wednesday of a wide-ranging plan to increase gun controls in the wake of several high profile mass shootings.

The plan, unveiled at the White House Wednesday, includes a new push to ban assault weapons, impose a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines, and expand background checks for gun purchasers, the L.A. Times reported.

It also includes 23 separate actions he can take unilaterally, including authorizing research on gun violence and nominating a full-time director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

In a statement issued shortly after the announcement, Schiff called the set of proposals “reasonable” and said he was looking forward to moving gun violence prevention legislation through Congress.

“The president articulated a reasonable set of proposals – both through executive order and Congressional action – that will keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, while respecting the right of law-abiding Americans to own a gun,” Schiff said.

A member of the House Gun Violence Task Force formed after the Newton, Conn. mass shooting, pointed to his announcement on Monday that he will be introducing legislation to roll back immunity guarantees for gun manufacturers and sellers involved in civil negligence and liability cases.

The administration proposals face an uphill climb in Congress, particularly the Republican-controlled House. The National Rifle Assn. has also taken issue with many of the proposals included in the plan.


Obama announces sweeping proposals to curb gun violence

Document: President Obama’s actions on gun policy

Rep. Adam Schiff seeks to roll back liability protections for gun manufacturers, sellers

-- Daniel Siegal, Times Community News
