
Another major development approved for Glendale’s core

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Development in downtown Glendale shows little sign of slowing down, with another large project now slated to rise from the city’s core.

The City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to approve the design plan for a new 84-unit development located at the northwest corner of California and Central avenues.

Chandler Pratt and Partners is developing the six-story project, which will feature 4,397 square feet of ground level commercial space.

Because the project is located in the “transitional” section of the downtown zone, it will include 3.337 square feet of publicly accessible open space to qualify for greater density and height allowances.

Todd Pratt, co-owner of Chandler Pratt and Partners, told the City Council the company was planning to complete the design process this summer and break ground in the fall.

The new development will be located directly across the street from the 80-unit Legendary Towers, which started construction this month at the northeast corner of California and Central. The Lex on Orange development, which will include 300 apartments in two buildings, is currently under construction two blocks away.

“We’re very pleased with the aesthetics, it’s what we’re trying to do in the downtown,” Mayor Frank Quintero said.

The council also voted unanimously to approve a zone change for two of the five lots the project will use.

Three of the five lots, which are located on Central, are included in the Downtown Specific Plan, but the two adjacent lots on California are in a residential zone.

Hassan Haghani, Glendale’s director of community development, said the zone change would allow the Downtown Specific Plan to annex the two lots so the new project can proceed under its regulations.

City Manager Scott Ochoa said the project was exciting because it’s part of several developments spreading investment in downtown from Brand Boulevard to include Central Avenue as well.

As more development occurs on the edge of the Downtown Specific Plan, Ochoa said the Chandler Pratt and Partners project will stand as a prototype for future developers.

“As these unique parcels come together, you will hear a thousand and one reasons you should settle for something less,” he said. “[With] this type of project, you’re able to go through any future consideration and say we can demand and receive high quality design.”

Grigor Grigoryan, president of the Armenian American Chamber of Commerce, told the council that as a local business owner, he supported the project as the sort that will continue to positively transform Glendale.

-- Daniel Siegal, Times Community News

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