
Bear killed by vehicle near Piru not from Glendale

( Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)
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A 300-pound black bear was struck and killed by a vehicle two miles east of Piru over the weekend, but Fish and Game officials confirmed Monday that it was not the meatball-loving bear from Glendale.

“We know it’s not Glen Bearian because it weighted 100 pounds less,” said spokesman Andrew Hughan. “We would know if it was him because he has a big bright orange ‘210’ ear tag.”

The incident occurred about 7 a.m. Sunday morning on Highway 126, according to Hughan, who said there were car “parts everywhere” at the scene, but the driver did not stop. He said motorists are not required to call in such incidents, adding that car crashes that kill bears are not uncommon at this time of year.

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-- Matt Stevens, Los Angeles Times
