
Column: Gridlock has Dodger Stadium in a headlock

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It’s a night of wondrous Dodger Stadium sights, with Fernando Valenzuela on a bobblehead, Don Newcombe taking a bow, and fans booing the San Francisco Giants.

But I’m blinded by another Dodgers tradition.

Headlights. They are glowing from beyond the right-field pavilion, in a long line of cars entering the stadium, in clear sight from my press-box chair. They are no different from the headlights that snake into any major league stadium on any summer night, with one blue twist.

It is the top of the fourth inning. Yes, it is the top of the fourth inning and there is still a line of cars trying to park, folks attempting to go to a baseball game that will be halfway finished by the time find their seats.

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-- Bill Plaschke, Los Angeles Times
