
Glendale’s favorite bear takes to long-form writing

(Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)
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Over the summer, Glendale’s favorite bear appears to have taken up long-form writing.

Longer, at least, than 140-character tweets.

The 400-pound ursine, famous for his penchant for meatballs and other delectable trash, gained a following after multiple encounters with residents and wildlife officials. With the help of Sarah Aujero, 29, the bear took on the Twitter handle @TheGlendaleBear and amassed more than 25,000 followers.

Now, the bear has penned his first essay.

Zócalo published Glen Bearian’s first memoir Monday, entitled “Why I Ate Your Garbage.”

“People have asked who I am. They want to know what I think,” the bear writes. “They want to know how I come by my fashion accessories, such as the orange tag in my ear. So let me start at the beginning.”

In the essay, Bearian recounts his journeys to the forest and back with his usual snappy sense of humor. Glen Bearian, also known as “Meatball,” was taken back to the forest for a second time in July after snoozing for hours in a Glendale tree. But he appears to be keeping up on current animal events.

“I’m calling P-22 about happy hour in Griffith Park,” he says in reference to a mountain lion that has taken up residence there.

Zócalo Editor T.A. Frank said they reached out to the bear because “it’s been the summer of wild animals and we felt it was time one of them spoke out.”

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-- Matt Stevens, Los Angeles Times

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