
Antonovich among county supervisors criticized for use of chauffeurs

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One of the proudest achievements touted by Los Angeles County supervisors is that thrifty decisions have helped the bureaucracy avoid layoffs and major cuts in service. But some say the frugality hasn’t extended to the board members’ own perks.

Eric Preven, a Studio City resident and frequent board antagonist, used the California Public Records Act to obtain records showing the supervisors spent thousands of taxpayer dollars for chauffeurs and Lincoln Town Cars while traveling on county business.

On a four-day trip to Washington, D.C., in June, the tab for Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas came to $2,069, and $1,733 for Supervisor Mike Antonovich. On another Washington trip in May, the only supervisor who made the journey and did not use the chauffeur service was Zev Yaroslavsky, who relied on cabs, the Metro subway and walking. Supervisor Gloria Molina was not on the trip.

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-- Garrett Therolf, Los Angeles Times
