
Glendale again ranks near bottom of list of safest cities to drive

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If you’ve driven in the nation’s capital, you already know this: It’s full of bad drivers.

A new report from Allstate Insurance Co. confirms it, putting the District of Columbia at the bottom of the list of the safest-driving cities, with the average motorist involved in a crash every 4.7 years. Nationally, the average driver gets into a collision every 10 years.

Safest city: Sioux Falls, S.D., where the average driver has a collision every 13.8 years.

Next are Boise, Idaho; Fort Collins, Colo.; Madison, Wis.; and Lincoln, Neb., according to the report.

Car-loving Los Angeles, a daunting a place to drive, ranked No. 182 on the list of 200 cities, with the average driver getting into a collision every 6.7 years.

That was better than, say, Philadelphia, No. 190, but worse than New York City, ranked No. 176. Chicago was 152.

Other California cities and their rankings: Riverside, 110; San Diego, 124; Long Beach, 137; Anaheim, 143; Pasadena, 160; Torrance, 174; and Glendale, 191 -- a ranking the city has held several times in recent years.

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-- Richard Simon, Los Angeles Times
