
Burbank-based Warner unit partners to bring new ‘Mortal Kombat’ movie

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“Mortal Kombat” is fighting its way back onto the big screen, marking a rare delivery of material from a studio’s own video game division to its sibling film division.

Warner Bros.’ New Line Cinema label is partnering with the Burbank studio’s video game unit Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to adapt for the big screen the tournament fighting series, which debuted on video game consoles in 1992. New Line is aiming to produce the new film next year and release it in 2013.

Like several other media companies, including Walt Disney Co., Warner has produced its own video games based on its film properties, such as June’s “Green Lantern.”

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Warner Bros. prevails in one ‘Mortal Kombat’ royalties lawsuit, two to go

‘Mortal Kombat’ gets new life from … the director of ‘Fame’?

-- Ben Fritz, Los Angeles Times
