
Glendale’s audit committee looks to increase transparency

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Audit Committee meetings are currently the only city commission meetings not televised, which some commissioners are looking to change.

Several commissioners said they’d like to televise the meetings to increase transparency, but city staff said doing so may hamper the candidness of audit discussions at Monday’s meeting.

“I think it’s kind of silly,” said Commissioner Zareh Amirian. “It’s about time the audit committee becomes part of the 21st century.”

Audit Chairman Louie Sadd said increasing transparency would be a good move following the recent spike in public scrutiny of city operations sparked by the Bell scandal.

Other meetings such as City Council, Redevelopment Agency and Civil Service Commission are televised and can be watched on the city’s website.

But City Auditor Michelle Flynn—who would approve of either option—said the sensitive audit discussions may not be appropriate for television.

“If TVs were running…people may not be as open,” Flynn said, referring to staff comments.

The committee is expected to vote on the item in January. If it’s approved, the City Council would review the recommendation for a final vote.

-- Brittany Levine, Times Community News

Twitter: @brittanylevine
