
Glendale soccer group’s message to Connecticut students: ‘You are not alone’

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A Glendale soccer group has created a large banner to send to their counterparts in Connecticut, many of whom had connections to the 26 victims killed in last week’s shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.

The banner, which is to be hung in the new school Sandy Hook Elementary students will be attending after the holidays, says: “You are not alone. Our thoughts are with you.”

Through Thursday evening, community members can also sign the banner created by an American Youth Soccer Organization group in Glendale and La Crescenta. About 75 people have written notes featuring well wishes. One of them was from Ryan Santolippo, an AYSO player on the “under 14” team.

“I am very sorry for what happened,” he wrote. “Just keep looking forward and everything will be OK.”

The banner can be signed at Once Upon a Time Bookstore, 2207 Honolulu Ave. in Montrose, until 8 p.m. Thursday.

“We want these kids to have a nice environment,” said Scott Weiss, the commissioner for the Connecticut AYSO group.

Maureen Palacios, owner of the bookstore, said the shooting has hit Glendale locals deeply, even though it happened across the country.

“It’s bad for everybody,” she said. “At least we’re trying to do something to at least show them that we are thinking about them on this side of the country.”

-- Brittany Levine, Times Community News

Follow Brittany on Google+ and on Twitter: @brittanylevine.
