
On the Town: Sheri Dew keynote speaker at LDS Women’s Conference, AAUW gathers at Oakmont Country Club

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It isn’t every day that more than 750 women gather in one place in Glendale. On Saturday (Jan. 12) that’s what took place at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) ward building on North Central. The Women’s Conference began with a continental breakfast of Porto’s pastries and fruit. Overseeing her cadre of volunteers was La Crescenta Stake (like a diocese) Relief Society President Gloria Hawley. Hawley was also hostess for guest of honor and keynote speaker author Sheri Dew.

Dew is also publisher, president and CEO of Deseret Book Co., headquartered in Salt Lake City. In 2003 she was appointed to the U.S. delegation of the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women. A native of Ulysses, Kan., and graduate of Brigham Young University, Dew is known as the most prominent single LDS (Mormon) woman.

With her reputation preceding her, Dew had her standing-room-only audience on her side even before she started her remarks. She began by describing the 40 inches of snow she had to dig out of at her Salt Lake City home to get to “sunny California.” Switching topics from weather to her family, Dew described the hard-scrabble life of her grandparents as they homesteaded several acres of dry Kansas ground 100 years ago. My grandparents were “dirt farmers and dirt poor.” Lest anyone think a CEO comes from comfortable circumstances, Dew set the record straight as she described her Dust Bowl existence in the 1930s and ‘40s. Dew learned the lessons of “hard work, determination and endurance.”

Turning to more spiritual matters, Dew referred to the growing profile of the LDS church due the presidential candidacy of church member Mitt Romney and a Broadway musical about the church. Dew described the work of 90,000 missionaries and 140 church temples throughout the world.

Ending her remarks, Dew said that young women in the church can be missionaries when they are 19-years-old and that LDS women “speak, testify, preach and teach.” Dew continued, “They know how to lead and change the world.”

Recognized at the pulpit was Jay P. Morgan, La Crescenta Stake President, representing the host stake of the conference. Invited were members of the Pasadena and North Hollywood Stakes. They are led by Pasadena Stake President Ronald K. Nelson and North Hollywood Stake President Stephen Klenk. Both were present at the conference. Also recognized was La Crescenta 2nd ward Relief Society President Cary Corrigan.


The Glendale chapter of the American Assn. of University Women (AAUW) is made up of the best of Glendale intelligentsia. Some 60 of them made their presence known on Saturday (Jan. 12). The Oakmont Country Club was the sumptuous setting for the chapter’s Founders’ Day Luncheon. The event’s purpose was to recognize former chapter presidents and to raise funds to benefit Tech Trek. The AAUW program is a summer camp for girls interested in science and technology. Chapter member physicist Laura Guillory is Tech Trek coordinator. Monies raised came from the $35 luncheon fee and opportunity drawing tickets. Available for the drawing were original art, ceramics, spa services, handbags, gift baskets of homemade items and restaurant gift cards.

Recognized were past presidents of the Glendale chapter. Included among them was former Glendale Mayor Eileen Givens. Givens was president for two years in 1975 through 1977. Current co-presidents are J.C. Chauvin-Byer and Sheila Koster.

Keynote speaker was Dr. Jill Kiefer, professor of art history in the graduate Humanities program at Mount Saint Mary’s College. Kiefer also teaches at Glendale Community College. After lunch Kiefer spoke on fine arts and art history. She also described her writing and producing an art history series and a studio workshop series for new media and web venues.

The chapter’s next meeting is an evening book group at the Glendale home of Pat Donlins.


RUTH SOWBY may be reached at
