
Gun shows don’t belong in Glendale

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There was a time not long ago when Glendale had a reputation that was formed by the type of people who unfurled banners and flags and stuck badges on their chests at the City Council meeting as the comments about the gun show unfolded. Although they were the majority among speakers at City Council, I am convinced that their day is now in the past. The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School has belatedly helped to illuminate that.

Today Glendale parents, senior citizens, students, educators, shoppers at the Galleria and the Americana at Brand and small-business owners are all much more keenly aware of the toll it has taken on communities to have a society that is awash in deadly firearms. They do pay attention, and they do vote. Many of us gathered in Glenoaks Park for a commemorative candlelight vigil following the Newtown tragedy in remembrance of 27 dead — the majority of them first-grade children.

I will be paying close attention to the future action of the City Council on this issue. I am pleased that four of five members of the council recognized that their first and primary responsibility is to take reasonable care to assure the safety of the public in our city and to protect its assets and quality of life. My future vote will go to those who uphold those values and not to those beholden to interests who feel that easy access to more firearms is more important.

A firearms bazaar has no place on city property. Now is the time to raise our voices so that the message is unmistakably clear — enough!

The Rev. Donald L. Smith
