
On the Town: Souplantation is first up in charity ‘Dine Out’

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If the Souplantation didn’t tickle your taste buds, the “Soup-er Bowl” at Glendale’s First Baptist Church was also available this week. On Sunday (Jan. 27), the church opened the first weekend of its annual Missions Festival with plenty of soup ladled out in the church’s fellowship room. Association Pastor Matt Andrews gave the blessing on the food. Pastor Charles Updike made sure the soup didn’t run out. One of the first in line out of some 120 parishioners present was Glendale resident Helene Capri. She was served by Sabrina Bermudez, 16.

Sabrina and the other 14 members of the church’s youth program will benefit from the $5 suggested donation for each meal. The funds will help the kids go to their Winter Youth Retreat at Cedar Falls camp near Big Bear. Most of those 15 young people from seventh grade through high school were this morning’s table decorators, food preparers, servers and cleanup crew. Hard worker Andres Hernandez, 11, did a little bit of everything. Lucas Dieudonne, 8, held the donations bucket.

Church Accounts Administrator Teena Frazier corralled the kids and made the spaghetti soup. Master chef/parishioner Steve Jensen cooked up the clam chowder and bean soups. Soup aficionados had the chance for fellowship and filled tummies on a cold, rainy morning.

For a night on the town, try the Glendale Assn. for the Retarded’s “Let’s Dine Out” Charity Nights. The first four restaurants in the 2013 series of “Nights” was just announced. First up was the Souplantation in Atwater Village. On Wednesday (Jan. 23) several booths of soup- and salad-lovers joined GAR staffers for fun and profit. The restaurant donates a percentage of GAR diners’ checks to the organization.

Glendalians willing to make the hop, skip and jump to Atwater included Wanda Bistagne, Jane Tritt and Frank Ramos of Casa De Ramos Restaurant fame. His ever-lovin’ Dolores Ramos was at his side. Frank has a brother-in-law who is a GAR client. GAR VIPs present were Foundation Director Rita Hopkins and board members Stela Fejtek and Paolo Sacca.

More restaurants in GAR’s lineup are the Granville Café in the Americana and the Capri in Eagle Rock.

Next in the series is Shakers Family Restaurant. Mark it on your calendar for Feb. 27.


Two watercolor classes offered through Glendale’s Lifetime Learning classes are standing room only with a waiting list that outstrips many of Parks and Recreation’s other courses.

Art instructor Peggy Reid has taught “Journey in Watercolors” at Brand Art Center for five years.

With remodeling underway at Brand, the class is temporarily located at Chevy Chase Library. The two classes meet weekly on Tuesdays.

On Saturday (Jan. 26) more than 150 art-lovers gathered in the Geo Systems Gallery in Glendale. They sipped and supped on wine and cheese during the exhibit’s opening reception. On display are 64 paintings from 30 watercolorists known as the “Tuesday Painters” — all students of Reid.

The artists, most of whom have never had their paintings exhibited, proudly pointed out their work to visitors. Glendale resident Susan Kussman started taking classes with Reid last fall. Kussman’s “Chick” depicts a fluffy, yellow baby chicken. Los Angeles resident Marnell Land also began classes in the fall. Her “Window in a Room,” like Kussman’s work, is not for sale. Since many of the artists are beginners, some were shy about offering their paintings for sale to the public.

Artist Arline Helm had no compunctions. Her “Green Valley” landscape is on sale for $135. Helm has studied watercolor painting for 10 years, including five years with Reid.

Helm is also a member of the Burbank Art Assn.

“Tuesday Painters” will be exhibited through Feb. 20.


RUTH SOWBY may be reached at
