
Scouts visit 10 churches on Ten Commandments hike

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Have any idea how to teach the Ten Commandments to a bunch of rowdy Boy Scouts? Just throw in a three-mile walk through Glendale, 10 churches and lunch, cooked and served by the Glendale Chapter of the Kiwanis.

Close to 80 Scouts participated in the third annual Ten Commandments Hike on Saturday. They gathered in the parking lot of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormons) in Glendale to register, offer a flag salute and a prayer. A welcome and introductions were handled by Scout leaders from the Verdugo Hills Council.

Hometown boys included Glendale residents Hunter Sandmeyer, 15, who gave the Pledge of Allegiance and Josh McGaughy, 14, who carried the flag on the first leg of the walk. Both Scouts are from Troop 303. Another Scout from Glendale, James Cuentas, 16, (Troup 139) has participated in the hike for all three years.

“I respect it,” he said, “My brother is a chaplain in the Army at Ft. Bragg.”

Burbank Scouts held down safety patrol duty. Hailing from Troop 201 were Dillon Wiegang, 14; Ryan Nakanishi, 15; Justin Beverly, 13; and Anthony Tello, 14. Hike Chairman from Burbank, David Davis, said the purpose of the Hike “is to teach reverence, obedience to the Scout oath, law and God.” Davis’ son, Chris Davis, is following Dad’s advice. Chris is an Eagle Scout.

Inside the sanctuary, former Second Ward Bishop Robert Weger gave a presentation on the First Commandment and talked about Mormon history.

Then it was on to the next nine churches. Bringing up the rear was First Aid Health Officer Gail Farnsworth from Glendale who toted a large first aid kit. What was in it? Blood pressure equipment and large bandages that, happily, no one had to use.


The Woman’s Club of La Crescenta kicked off their centennial year celebration with a rummage sale to end all rummage sales on Saturday. Thousands of gently used household items, books, clothes, shoes and jewelry were snapped up for pennies during the six-hour sale. About a dozen shoppers were lined up before the 8 a.m. opening. Snatched by an early bird customer was a St. John’s knit sweater in mint condition for $5.

Woman’s Club co-presidents, Carol Huntwork and Genny Bundick, had supervised their volunteer staff of club members who waded through all the material to price it. Hardcover books were $1 and paperbacks were 25 cents to name some of the bargains to be had. Former club president and Glendale resident Rita Even had book duty.

Shoppers also headed for the freebies — all you can drink coffee, tea and a slice of the club’s Centennial cake purchased by club press officer Gloria Lee. The cake and coffee were offered where the husbands gathered to watch over the bounty of their still-shopping wives. Joe La Porte of La Crescenta kept an eagle eye on his wife’s purchases. Wife Danori La Porte came by to drop another load of booty for hubby to secure.

Expected proceeds of more than $2,000 will enrich local charities, community improvements and student scholarships.

Club members are looking forward to their 100th Anniversary Reciprocity Tea on Feb. 9 honoring past presidents.


The 1,500 pancake eaters who showed up on Saturday at the Dads’ Club of Verdugo Woodlands Elementary School Annual Pancake Breakfast consumed more than 3,000 pancakes in only five hours. And that doesn’t count the many going back for seconds. Those who wanted the sizzle of the griddle had their choice of buttermilk or chocolate pancakes. The Dads’ Club community building was full of breakfast aficionados who knew a good deal when they saw one — $5 bought all you can eat pancakes, sausages, coffee, tea and orange juice.

Mom Barbara Jordan has attended 17 breakfasts in a row. Even her grown children, Nicole, 22, and Matthew, 18, showed up to chow down. Both are proud alumni of Verdugo Woodlands.

Dads’ Club President James Mason expects the pancake breakfast will bring in more than $9,000 for the kids’ programs, such as the Robotics Club, taught by Dads’ Club member Stephen O’Bryan. O’Bryan, along with Dads’ Club member Jim Apodaca, operated a giant espresso machine, donated for the breakfast by the Woodland Hills Café. The machine generated hot chocolate, lattes and mocha lattes — pretty high-class fare for pancake fans who wanted something to wash down their breakfasts.

This year, the Verdugo Woodlands PTA is hoping to outdo the Dads’ Club with their upcoming affair. It’s “The Ritz” dinner dance and auction on March 4.
