
Palmer Park gets green light for new playground, other upgrades

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A popular 2.8-acre park in one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in Glendale is set to get a major makeover by next year.

City officials plan to install new playground and exercise equipment, update the picnic areas and improve the restrooms and lighting at Palmer Park beginning in January.

“It’s certainly needed,” Mayor Frank Quintero said at a City Hall meeting Tuesday.

But before the construction can begin, there is much planning to do. The City Council approved a $171,000 contract for design and construction plans for the proposed improvements, the first of many stages of the project that will have to come back for approval.

“This is a very exciting kickoff, if you will, for much-needed improvements in Palmer Park,” said City Manager Scott Ochoa.

The park, built in 1949, was last renovated in 1995.

The city has a $725,000 federal grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to do the renovations.

Other proposed changes include converting two half-sized basketball courts into one full court, renovating the wading pool and moving the small skateboard area.

A new drive path for police patrol and tree pruning near the entryway are proposed to improve safety at the park, which is also covered by a joint Los Angeles-Glendale gang injunction that bans alleged Toonerville gang members from loitering on the premises.

The injunction also covers Chevy Chase Park.

Officials have yet to determine whether the renovations will be carried out in phases to keep parts of the park open for use during construction, which are scheduled to last about seven months.

“It depends on the final design,” said Community Services & Parks Director Jess Duran.

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