
Not interested in another school bond

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As taxpaying residents, we opposed Measure G, which essentially put a tax on all Glendale properties for the benefit of Glendale Community College, where many students aren’t even local residents.

Oh, how they drive over from Burbank and don’t pay a dime in taxes for the privilege of their Glendale Community College education.

This bond, which will be with us for many, many years, was supported by Glendale school, police and fire officials. Only some of these supporters live in Glendale or pay the bond.

Now comes the Glendale Unified school system proposing another bond and drain on property owners (“Campaigning begins for school bond,” Feb. 7). We do not, and will not support, any more bonds or taxes for the Glendale school system.

Times are tough. We have rental units where we have had to reduce rents to fill a unit. Yet, the property taxes and water and insurance bills continue to go up and up. We say enough of those unwilling to work within their budgets, such as the Glendale school system.

The school district should set an example — reduce costs, reduce salaries and reduce our taxes. We want a fiscally responsible school system.

Carole and Jim Weling


Measure S would provide necessary funds

Although I retired from the school district last year, I remain active as a community member to ensure that the education we offer our Glendale Unified students is of the highest quality.

We have an opportunity to secure the future by supporting Measure S on the April 5 ballot. I call on you to join this effort (“Campaigning begins for school bond,” Feb. 7).

Measure S will not increase property taxes; instead, the current property tax rate will continue. Measure S will fund needed projects at each of the 30 schools. A Measure S priority is updating classroom computers and technology. If our community is to provide an education that will prepare our students to live and work in the 21st Century, we must update the technology our students use at school.

Thirteen years ago, the community overwhelmingly approved Measure K, which provided the funds for renovation and new construction at our Glendale schools. The work is unfinished. Measure S continues that work.

I urge support of Measure S, an investment in our students — the future of our community.

Linda Evans

La Crescenta

Editor’s note: Evans is former principal of La Crescenta High School.
