
Woman accused of exposing herself on Skype to Glendale teen

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A Tennessee mother of two pleaded not guilty Wednesday to exposing herself to a 16-year-old Glendale teen via Skype, police said.

Lanora Mae Harrell, 35, was charged with one felony count of sending “harmful matter” with the intent of seducing a minor, as well as felony sexual contact with a minor, according to a Los Angeles County Superior Court criminal complaint.

Glendale Police Sgt. Tom Lorenz said Harrell “became infatuated” with the teen over the Internet-based video conferencing system.

Glendale police worked with the FBI and Los Angeles County district attorney’s office to extradite Harrell to Glendale to face charges, he added.

Harrell met the teen, who was 16 at the time, while playing an online video game in June 2011 and communicated with him via Facebook, Lorenz said

Soon after, the pair began chatting via live feeds on Skype, where Harrell allegedly exposed her body to the teen in a sexually-explicit manner, he said. Their communication went on for about year, he added.

The teen reportedly may have also exposed himself during the live chats, which Lorenz said are not recoverable.

The teen’s father reportedly found out about his son’s contact with Harrell and notified police.

Harrell is scheduled to appear April 25 in the Los Angeles County Superior Court in Burbank.


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