
Community: Las Candelas installs a new slate of officers

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Las Candelas recently presented a check for $10,000 to the Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services (formerly Verdugo Mental Health) for the launch of its Birth to Five Program at its Glendale facility.

The funds will be applied to a new treatment room, to purchase play therapy tools, and other needs. This program, when fully launched, will serve about 50 to 60 children, infants to 5-year-olds, of low-income families living mostly in the Glendale area.

Las Candelas also has installed its new officers. They are President Monica Sierra, First Vice President Ellyn Semler, Second Vice President Sharon Anderson, Third Vice President Ginny Simpson, Fourth Vice President Patti Baker and Fifth Co-Vice Presidents Jeri Benton and Linda Malmquist.

Other officers include Sixth Co-Vice Presidents Bobbi Gangi and Diane Russell (benefit co-chairwomen); Recording Secretary Anna Brewer, Corresponding Secretary Patti McCormick, Treasurer Ann Jones, Philanthropy Treasurer Harriet Rector and Parliamentarian Karen Whyte. Cathy Keen installed the officers.

For more than 50 years, Las Candelas has been helping emotionally disturbed children. Forty members provide services for children at Hathaway-Sycamores, Hillsides Education Center, Glendale Healthy Kids, Glendale YWCA and the Didi Hirsch Center. The funds to support these are earned through their biannual luncheon and fashion show.

Commission seeks student members

The Glendale Commission on the Status of Women is seeking two new student ex officio members to serve for one year from September to August. Applications are due by 5 p.m. June 29.

Applicants must be high school juniors or above who are attending an institution of higher learning and/or live in Glendale, are dedicated to the Glendale community, are passionate about helping people and are interested in women’s issues.

The commission meets at 5:30 p.m. on the second Monday of each month and also organizes many events throughout the year.

For applications, visit, or contact Christine Baboomian at (818) 548-4844 or at women@ci.glendale.

Chamlian School has first art show

Chamlian Armenian School presented its first Art Exhibit on May 9 featuring seventh- and eighth-grade students.

The show was under the direction of art teacher Caroline Tufenkian and showcased art pieces that were inspired by famous Armenian artists.

“I am proud of my students for their hard work and dedication, and the exceptional work that they have produced,” Tufenkian said.

Harry Vorperian, a well-known artist and the general manager at Horizon Television, shared some inspirational words about his passion for art and the range of career opportunities to which it can lead.

Musical performances were given by pianist Allen Dishigrikyan, a Chamlian alumnus, and Laura Bedrossian, a professional violinist and Chamlian parent, who performed with Bill Luke.

Dancer’s group earns medals

Hoover graduate Bridget Bacon, who was a captain of the Hoover dance team, currently dances for Pace Elite, a team based in Westminster. Since 2007, Pace Elite has been invited to the Dance Worlds competition in Orlando, Fla., and has won medals.

In addition to winning at Dance Worlds this year, two of the Pace Elite teams were chosen to represent the United States at a competition held by the International Cheer Union. There are 101 countries that hold membership in the organization. This year, 70 countries competed on April 27.

Team USA officials choose a dance team from video submissions to represent the country. Only one team is chosen in the three dance categories of Pom, Jazz and Hip Hop. This year Pace Elite was chosen to represent Team USA in the Pom and Jazz categories and won Gold in both. Bacon was a member of Team USA Pom. Pace Elite also won Gold in the International Open Pom division at Dance Worlds.

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
