
New Rotary club joins the evening scene

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A charter celebration is planned by the Glendale Sunrise Rotary Club recognizing the founding of the Glendale New Generation Rotary Club.

The event kicks off with social time at 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Friday at the Oakmont Country Club. Cost is $60. For reservations, call Armando Goytia, event chairman, at (818) 675-0560.

Peggy Riddle, of the Glendale Sunrise Rotary, is the new club’s advisor. She was membership chairwoman in 2010, and at the end of that club year, members voted to start a new club, Riddle said. Sunrise Rotary Club president is Jory Potts. There are three other Rotary clubs in Glendale.

The new club has 26 charter members, all young professionals, ages 21 to 45, but all ages are welcome, Riddle said.

The differences between the clubs are the meeting times and locations. Glendale Sunrise meets every Friday morning at Oakmont Country Club. The new club will meet Thursday evenings at the Glendale Salvation Army. Social begins at 6:15 p.m., with meeting from 6:45 to 8 p.m.

“Members are younger people who are single or newly married and they can’t afford to have meetings at the country club,” Riddle said. “Rotary International wanted to make it affordable and have an evening club.”

The name is temporary, Riddle said. The permanent name will be revealed during Friday’s celebration. The incoming president is Steve Sungulyan. The provisional president is Peter Kasabian.

Guild donates $140K to medical center

New officers and a large donation were on the agenda when the Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Guild met for the annual Recognition and Installation Tea at Lakeside Golf Club on June 13.

President Kathleen Marsden wrapped up her year by presenting a check for $140,000 to Kerry L. Carmody, regional chief operating officer of Providence Health and Services, California.

The funds were raised by the fall and spring events, gift shop and card parties. The guild carried over $86,500 from the prior year and received a donation from the estate of member Haline Heimstadt, and this total is almost half of the amount of the guild’s pledge of $500,000 made to the Hycy and Howard Hill Neuroscience Institute, which will open soon on the fourth floor of the medical center.

Installing officer Chik Smaldino incorporated a rhyme for each officer. Incoming president Patt Scully’s theme is “Watch Us Grow,” linked to her love of gardening. Smaldino presented officers with a vase of flowers and Scully a watering can filled with flowers.

Other officers are First Vice President Lori Riela, Second Vice President Patti Cassidy, Treasurer Sharon Reid, Recording Secretary Jill Allen and Corresponding Secretary Ann Venti.

Glendale members attending the luncheon were Maureen Walsh, Wanda Bistagne, Lila Barkett, Jill Allen and former Glendale resident Vicki Jackson.

Glendale Elks honor scholars

Sixteen college-bound seniors from seven of the area high schools were honored at the 82nd annual Scholarship Awards Dinner sponsored by Glendale Elks Lodge #1289 on May 22.

The top six finalists competed for district, state and national honors and received a total of $43,450.

Crescenta Valley High School’s Julia Lim won top honors among the girls, finishing first in the district, second in the state finals and became one of 500 national finalists. Hoover’s Yervand Azatian finished first among the boys in district finals, first in the state competition and seventh in the national finals. Hoover’s Steven Ghazikhanian was 35th in the state and became a national finalist.

Glendale High School’s Manuk Hovanesian finished second in the state and became a national finalist. Franklin High School’s Justin Sao placed 23rd in the state and became a national finalist. Jacob Kim, a Glendale resident who attends Village Christian High School, placed 17th in the state and seventh in the national finals.

Other scholarship recipients are Rita Bedrossian, Evelyna Vartanian, Elizabeth Harris, Alec Mouradian, James Park, Brandon Baum, Dylan Kilgour and Jasmine Fernandez.

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
