
Don’t forget to put your flag out

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June 14 was Flag Day. I put my flag out early, as I do every day.

In driving from North Glendale to downtown, I counted the number of flags displayed on homes, mainly on residential streets. I counted seven.

What is wrong with people? Don’t they know that we live in the greatest country in the world and everyone should display our flag, particularly on Flag Day?

Thanks to the city for displaying the flag on light posts. On July 4th, I would like to see a flag displayed on every home.

Francis Adams


The magic of Twilight Camp

I would like to publicly applaud the great efforts of Stephanie Fram, Lisa Dutton and Jan Archer (and the many other volunteers) for organizing the 2011 Crescenta Valley Girl Scout Twilight Camp.

The Twilight Camp is for Brownies and Girl Scouts. The leaders are cadets or teenage Girl Scouts.

The camp theme this year was Fossils and Forests and took place the first week of summer at Hindenberg Park. Each afternoon at 3 p.m., the scouts gathered among the mighty oaks and sycamores where they sang in the meadow, tie-dyed shirts, learned how to make peach cobbler in a bag, created art and frolicked until 8 p.m. each evening.

You could feel the excitement building in the Crescenta Valley each afternoon as camp time arrived. The volunteers began the task of organizing the Twilight Camp months in advance. Archer, whose camp name is “Bee,” told me, “to see the smiles on the girl’s faces makes all the work easy.”

Well, I thank you, Bee, for putting a smile on my face, knowing that my daughter and her friends were being treated to the magical experience of Twilight Camp.

Holly Hall

