
Alliance provides youth with jobs

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What if you were selected to attend all eight colleges you applied for, yet at the same time, you have been homeless for two years? That’s the dilemma that was faced by 20-year-old Angela Sanchez. Now, ready to begin her third year at UCLA in the fall, Sanchez credits the Glendale Youth Alliance with steering her to jobs and shelter.

The Anoush Banquet Hall was the ornate setting for a fundraising luncheon for the Youth Alliance on June 22. The Alliance has lost federal stimulus dollars, and its leaders appealed to some 200 supporters to pony up private funds. Glendale Fire Chief Harold Scoggins, a member of the Alliance Board of Directors, doffed his fire helmet and played emcee for the afternoon. He introduced Chairwoman Jeanett Cordon, who described the loss of funds that will limit the organization’s summer program that once helped young Sanchez. This summer, 45 teens will be paid to clear brush. It will take $1,000 from Alliance reserves to put each youth to work for the entire summer.

Glendale Community College Trustee Tony Tartaglia is also a public affairs manager at the Southern California Gas Co. He presented three scholarships on behalf of the gas company to recent high school graduates Nora Aram, Ramiro Medina and Christina Grigoryan. The gas company has provided more than $15,500 in scholarships to more than 26 Glendale Youth Alliance participants.

City leaders present included Glendale Mayor Laura Friedman, Councilman Frank Quintaro, Assistant City Manager Yasmin Beers and Police Chief Ron De Pompa. The Commission on the Status of Women was represented by Chairwoman Paula Devine and newest member Lynda Burns.

The commission works with the Glendale Youth Alliance through the Camp Rosie summer day camp run by Alliance programs specialist Kathy Piumetti. Among other offerings, Camp Rosie includes classes on finance and self-defense to “empower” teenage girls.

Piumetti hoped that funds from the luncheon and other private donations will reach the $200,000 needed to operate the Alliance.


The Glendale-Crescenta Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross often has fun ways of raising money—taking advantage of the “in” term, “funraiser.” On June 23, the local chapter presented its fifth annual wine and cheese tasting. This year, chocolates by Mignon were added to the menu. Forest Lawn in Glendale hosted the event on its museum patio, overlooking an evening view of Glendale.

Chapter board members were out in force. Board Chairman Jerry Tomsic, joined by Vice Chairman Susan Carr and husband Jim Carr were spotted sampling Chin Chin salads in miniature Chinese takeout boxes. Board member Doris Twedt preferred sampling cheeses.

NBC Channel 4 weatherman Fritz Coleman was a humorous emcee. Coleman has been a Red Cross volunteer for 17 years.

A silent auction table featured spa treatments, and entertainment events contributed by local business and community members. Community volunteer Glady Kabateck eyed the Lia Sophia jewelry. Husband Jack Kabateck approved.

Chapter Executive Director Ron Farina estimated event proceeds to top $10,000. The funds will contribute to health and safety training and disaster response.


There’s a new, sparkling “lady” in town. The Museum of Neon Art (MONA) celebrated its move to Glendale with an “Evening Electric” fundraiser. On June 25, at the site of MONA’s future home in Glendale at 216 S. Brand Blvd., dozens of supporters gathered among the glow of neon and electricity. They were there to honor the museum’s 30 years as a cultural institution in downtown Los Angeles.

MONA Neon Historian Eric Lynxwiler described the museum holdings as half neon signs and half electric art work. But Lynxwiler is partial to the neon, “I’m a sign guy.” A number of artists had works up for sale through a silent auction. Artists on hand included Candice Gawne. Her plasma sea foam work is valued at $2,750. Artist Ed Kirshner created electric currents filling a martini glass. His “Flaming Martini” began at $500 in the auction.

MONA director and artist Kim Koga estimated that the museum will open in the summer of next year. Although she wasn’t able to predict the evening’s proceeds, she said funds raised would, in part, help restore the neon signs and future programming.
