
Glendale Adventist marks Armenian celebration

Celebrating the Blessing of the Grapes are, from left, Rev. Ardak Demirjian, Rev. Vazken Atmajian, Rev. Komitas Tokosian and Deacon Raffi Keshishyan at Glendale Adventist Medical Center Chapel. The Blessing of the Grapes ceremony is an annual Armenian harvest-time celebration.
(Raul Roa / Staff Photographer)
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The chapel at Glendale Adventist Medical Center was packed with people Wednesday morning for the annual Blessing of the Grapes ceremony.

For nearly 20 years, the hospital has hosted the event to honor the harvest alongside St. Mary’s Armenian Apostolic Church in Glendale.

The Armenian tradition dates back 1,700 years.

“We like to honor the Armenian traditions here,” said Glendale Adventist Senior Chaplain Al Garcilazo. “This is harvest time and time to give thanks for our blessings.”

The ceremony is one of three dedicated to Armenian celebrations. Each year, Glendale Adventist also hosts a service in memory to victims of the Armenian genocide, and in January, the Orthodox Church Christmas, which the Armenian Apostolic Church observes, is celebrated with a service in the main lobby.

After Wednesday’s ceremony, priests who participated in the event visited with hospital patients.


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