
‘The Magic of the Moment’ is theme

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The PTA Reflection contest continues through October 31st. The theme this year is “The Magic of a Moment.” Students in all grades may submit artwork to their school in six categories: visual arts, photography, musical composition, literature, film production and dance choreography.

PTA membership drives are ongoing at all schools. Membership matters! Be a part of the action. Join your school’s PTA.

Thursday, October 18th is the Great California Shake Out Drill. At 10:18 a.m., all students and staff will Drop, Cover and Hold On. Families may participate at home by doing the same. This is a great way to be prepared to survive and recover quickly from a large earthquake. Last year, 8.8 million people in California participated.

For more information, go on-line to

October 24th - 28th is Red Ribbon Week. The theme this year is U R 2 Cool 4 Drugs.


Please join us for a very important community meeting with Superintendent Dr. Richard Sheehan on Monday, October 22nd at 7 p.m. in the Hoover auditorium. Dr. Sheehan will be speaking about the November ballot and the school district’s fiscal crisis.

Homecoming and the many activities related to it take place the first week of November.

Beat Glendale Day is Friday, November 2nd.


The Student of the Month Ceremony will be Thursday, October 18th at 7:30 a.m. in the Library.

The Signature Fundraiser was a success and product delivery day is October 24th.

If your student missed Picture Day, make-ups will be taken on Thursday, October 25th.

For those of you who love soccer, Toll will be playing against Wilson on Thursday, October 18th at Wilson, and against Rosemont October 25th at Toll. Both games begin at 3:30 p.m.


Balboa would like to thank all the parents and staff who have already signed up to be members of the PTA. If you haven’t had a chance, it’s not too late. We’d love to see 100% participation. To volunteer, please call the school office at 818-241-1801.


Jefferson would like to thank all of the volunteers who make the school extra special. If you’d like to become involved, call the school office at 818-243-4279.


The Make Keppel Special Foundation fundraiser, Every Drop Counts, is going very well, with 32% of families participating. The goal is for all Keppel families to make a donation, big or small, because every drop counts. To donate online, please go to:

The construction on the new solar panels is nearing completion, and already providing Keppel students and staff with lots of shade. The panels are fully functional, and providing 70% of Keppel’s energy. Go green!

Kirsten Hersh, PTA President, wants to remind everyone that Keppel’s Annual Harvest Festival will be on October 19 from 3 to 5 p.m. Come and celebrate the changing of the season with us. There will be fun, games, food and a whole lot more. On October 30th, the PTA Association meeting will discuss safety. Save the date for the Father/Son Dinner, scheduled for November 9th.

KIMBERLY SWAN may be reached by e-mail at
