
Teams are outclassed in current league

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The handwriting is on the wall for the athletics folks at Glendale and Hoover high schools. This concerns only the football programs at the two schools.

Both schools should move to an easier and more manageable football league as they are clearly outclassed in the Pacific League.

Week after week, the Nitros and Tornadoes come out to play competitive football during the fall season and get thrashed by their opponents. I have yet to remember any close scores in recent years that the two local teams were involved in, except their own Glendale-Hoover archrival game.

Take the night of Oct. 5: Glendale was shut out, 37-0, and Hoover bit the dust, 49-6. These lopsided games happen every week despite the efforts of coaches and players who try their best, but the other team always has far more talent. It’s a moral victory if Glendale or Hoover scores a touchdown in a lopsided game.

This ongoing losing trend certainly weighs heavily on the coaches and players, and don’t forget the loyal parents and other family members.

How about a change for the good with a move to an easier league so Glendale and Hoover can start winning again on the football field?

Don Mazen

