
A promise of bipartisanship

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Sacramento needs to wake up and realize money comes from hardworking taxpayers who believe that substantial fiscal reform is the only path to economic stability. My priorities are jobs and education because California was once the Golden State where opportunities were plentiful. Putting us on the right track is why I am asking for your vote in November.

It is my duty to bring to your attention important issues that concern you and that directly affect us as Californians. Sacramento has not been doing its job of serving you and watching out for your best interests — this must stop. I am running for state Senate not as a career politician, but as a concerned citizen who wants to cross the aisle to get things done. The Legislature has not focused on the values I promise I will bring to you: bipartisanship, service to community, commitment to education, and fiscal responsibility.

I’ve been visiting with residents in Glendale who have expressed that Sacramento has not addressed that our broken education system will only hurt our future and that excessive spending will bankrupt us. Current legislators do not have the right priorities and lack the vision necessary to turn around California’s economy.

Gil Gonzales

Editor’s note: The writer is the Republican candidate for state Senate in the 25th District.
