
GCC Board of Trustees prefers Prop. 30 over 38

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As the voting season nears full swing, the Glendale Community College trustees took a public stance against Proposition 38 — one of two competing state tax measures supporting education funding — because it would not provide money to colleges.

“It is necessary for us to oppose Prop. 38 publicly,” said Board of Trustees President Armine Hacopian.

The November tax initiative — sponsored by civil rights attorney Molly Munger — would provide billions of dollars for K-12 schools and early education with an income tax increase.

Proposition 30 — the competing initiative backed by Gov. Jerry Brown — would raise income taxes for high earners and add a quarter-cent state sales tax in a move to prevent midyear budget cuts to schools.

The trustees have previously voiced their support for Prop. 30.

Glendale Community College officials have painted a grim picture if Prop. 30 fails — the college would lose an additional $4.6-million midyear.

“To my knowledge, Glendale College is one of the few community colleges that has taken a stand to oppose a discriminatory proposition,” said college Trustee Tony Tartaglia. “I urge the public to vote against Proposition 38 and vote for Proposition 30.”

Glendale Unified school board members recently said they were torn on the initiatives because Prop. 38 would exclude community colleges.

School board President Christine Walters said the rival propositions left schools “in a hostage situation.” But with Glendale schools “in a survival mode,” she was inclined to vote for both.

“I’m leaning more toward the practicality, and will therefore hedge my bet by voting for both.”

If both propositions garner a simple majority, then the one with more votes will pass.


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Prop. 38 proponent to stop airing TV ad critical of Prop. 30

At a glance: Proposition 30 and Proposition 38
