
Keeping up with dirty storm drains

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The catch basins that Raymond Minassian is talking about in a letter to the editor (“Plants are growing in run-off basins,” Oct. 17) belongs to Los Angeles County Public Works. I gave them a call to pass his concern about the growing plant inside the catch basin.

The city of Glendale owns 1,354 catch basins and several open channels and has two full-time workers dedicated to the city’s storm drain system. We inspect and clean each one at least once per year. By the time the cleaning is completed it’s possible that the drains are dirty again, way before the next cleaning cycle. Please call us at (818) 548-3950 if you have a storm drain concern in Glendale. At the very least, we can figure out the ownership issue or address the concern if it’s an emergency, such as dropped keys or cell phones.

Roy Rodriguez
