
Krikorian has a history in local politics

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Election Day is a rare opportunity for Glendale voters, in particular, to recapture our state representation by voting for a gentleman who has spent many years locally working to maintain and enhance the quality of our schools as a member of the Glendale Unified School District board. Greg Krikorian has not been given an easy task, given the fiscal dilemma of our state.

I attribute much of the state’s problem to the abysmal lack of representation we have experienced in recent years, principally because our state representatives in general represent large conglomerations of interest groups with sufficient funds to buy votes. This practice was never intended by the founders. Representatives in truth are meant to represent “we the people” not the special interests. Sadly this has not been the practice recently.

Our present state “representative” is beholden to many special interest groups, and his election contributions come from a diversity of interests that goes far beyond and outside the needs of Glendale.

In Krikorian we have a candidate who will actually represent us. He is a part of Glendale and has contributed many years to Glendale Unified schoolchildren. He is raising his family in Glendale. He is a successful local businessman and has a far greater awareness of our local needs, far more than his opponent, and will continue, even after being elected, to be a part of our local scene, as his roots are in Glendale. It is with these thoughts that I recommend Krikorian as Glendale’s choice for election to the state Assembly, representing the 43rd District.

Carl W. Raggio
