
Disheartened by anti-Obama rhetoric

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I could cry. Immediately after President Obama’s decisive election victory, I began receiving nasty emails and Facebook posts attacking Obama, which were disgustingly similar to the pre-election garbage. I responded to one sender: “I am saddened by this dreadful message.

A true thoughtful patriot would say that the people of our democracy have spoken and now we need to all work together and surmount our differences for the benefit of all Americans.” Sadly, the response to my message was more anti-Obama rhetoric.

I shudder to think how many millions, including legislators, are out there with similar harshly negative and uncompromising opinions of President Obama and his supporters. They are likely to make it virtually impossible to effectively govern our nation during the next four years. And then, of course, they’ll claim again that Obama was a do-nothing president.

Robert Morrison
