
GCC needs its own police on campus

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As a Glendale Community College student, I think GCC should have its own have police force for several reasons. The first reason is the high number of students. The majority consists of 18- to 20-year-old youths who may fight or have drug issues. The campus police can control and prevent such issues. GCC classes are also held at night and there are a lot of students that do not own a car and are transported by bus.

The campus police also control travelers and provide security for this group of students. Also, the police can help those students who don’t have cars and will go home late after class. Moreover, the police would have the mobility inside and around campus any time of the day that the police Glendale force may not have.

Overall, the campus police provide safety and security. The campus police also have the authority to enforce laws in emergency cases.

Arin Bidrosian
