
Glendale woman wins $125K in case against police

Annie Kwak will receive a $125,000 settlement over a lawsuit where she claimed that Glendale police officers falsified reports and use force during her arrest.
(Raul Roa / Staff Photographer)
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A 58-year-old Glendale woman will receive $125,000 as part of a settlement with the city over her federal lawsuit that claims Glendale police allegedly falsified official reports and used excessive force during her arrest.

Annie Kwak agreed on Nov. 30 to settle her U.S. District Court case against the city and Glendale police officers, who she alleged created a false police report that claimed she allowed her daughter’s 5-pound Maltese to attack an officer on May 17, 2011. She also alleged that the report claimed she physically attacked a second officer.

Kwak also claimed she was hurt by arresting officers and ultimately suffered a broken tailbone.

Kwak’s attorney, John Burton, said that he and his client were pleased the city “reached a constructive resolution of this problem.”

“Ms. Kwak is satisfied with the result and hopes that similar incidents do not happen in the future,” he added.

As a result of the police reports, the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office filed battery and resisting arrest charges against her. A jury later found her not guilty.

City Atty. Michael Garcia maintained “the officers’ actions were lawful and that there was probable cause for the arrest.”

He added that the case was “settled to avoid the risk and costs of protracted litigation.”

The officers claimed the dog bit one of them on the leg, according to the police report. Kwak allegedly twice pushed another officer’s arm away when she tried to stop the dog. The officers then grabbed Kwak when they feared she may try to hit one of them.

Kwak’s account about the incident varies significantly from the officers.

She alleged the incident was sparked after she and the dog walked by the officers who were talking to two men outside her condominium. That’s when the dog moved toward one of the officers and barked at him.

Kwak claimed another officer yelled at her about the dog and shoved her.

She also alleged in her lawsuit that the same officer grabbed and twisted her left arm after she hesitated.

She alleged she broke her tailbone when she was handcuffed and shoved in the back seat of the patrol car.


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