
Police: Deer was killed by mountain lions in Glendale

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A deer was found dead at the Sports Complex in Glendale and authorities believe the animal was killed by an adult mountain lion and an offspring.

Community Services and Park personnel found the deer’s body this week at 2200 Fern Lane. Mountain lion footprints were found in the area. Glendale police suggest residents take steps to protect children and small pets from mountain lions in the area.

Installing ample outdoor lighting, trimming bushes and providing shelter for animals are some way residents can avoid attracting deer or mountain lions, according to police.

Mountain lions weren’t the only animals roaming the neighborhood; earlier this week, residents reported seeing a large brown bear.

Mountain lion sightings may be reported to the Glendale Police Department at (818) 548-4911.


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-- Tiffany Kelly, Times Community News

Follow Tiffany on Google+ or on Twitter: @LATiffanyKelly
