
Process for cell tower opposition is faulty

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I’d like to see in the near term a review of the current policy the city has for community notification in R-1 zones where major improvements are planned using the city’s easement rights for erecting/construction of wireless transmission facilities. The current process is deeply flawed and puts the homeowner or the homeowners association in an almost a no-win position, as well as in a financial straitjacket before we know what is hitting us.

Signs that are posted become city property, which can’t be touched during the 30-day notification period without being a misdemeanor even on homeowners association property. Signs during that period of time become dilapidated, which did happen, and calls that were made three times fell on deaf ears.

After going over the proposed drawings and documents we discovered that the city was in violation of its own ordinance by failing to show a good-faith effort by the applicant Verizon Wireless, as called for in the application. Yet the application was accepted despite being signed off by various department heads who had jurisdiction on this.

Better process is needed on future reviews on community public notifications so that the party at the receiving end has ample time after receiving the notification to prepare their defense, engage consultants, specialists, a law firm, be able to receive on a prompt and timely basis all of the documents that have been submitted.

With the current process, no one is looking out for the quality-of-life concerns of our citizens that are being directly hit and bombarded by these obtrusive 25-foot steel antenna poles as well as the cost to defend our quality of life here in our beautiful neighborhoods. Certainly a much better way must be found in the handling of this process.

Gary Cornell
