
More is necessary to prevent gun violence

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America has had enough of the carnage at our schools by the sick and evil members of the public that are able to buy assault rifles and murder our children in cold blood. It is time for every superintendent of schools and every director of education of each state to rise up and demand that there be a severe restriction on who can obtain these instruments of deaths to the innocent. The monster in Connecticut, with his assault rifle, did his job, killing 27, 20 of them children.

I read the remarks by Supt. Richard Sheehan on the Glendale Unified School District on his website. His plan to protect our children is hollow and totally inadequate against a deranged person with an assault weapon. The country needs more, this city needs more. There is absolutely no reason for a member of the public to be able to obtain an assault rifle.

There need to be meaningful gun restrictions. I, for one, am sick and tired of the power of those who have the ability to speak with a loud voice, but do nothing but offer sympathy to grieving families. Parents bring their children to school and they expect to bring them home — not collect them at the local morgue.

Carole Weling
