
Moving ahead in a time of trouble

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The fast-approaching year is already looking to be a bumpy one.

Without a redevelopment agency, local officials will have to re-evaluate plans for future projects and rethink how to keep pace with the demand for affordable housing.

Redrawn political districts could force local representatives and long-time allies into some uncomfortable contests, such as the potential matchup between Assemblyman Anthony Portantino and state Sen. Carol Liu.

The true impact of a state prison realignment program that is expected to send hundreds of nonviolent offenders back into our communities likely will be felt in 2012.

Major construction along the Golden State (5) Freeway through Burbank will cause major traffic headaches throughout the year.

Then there’s the economy. After two years of deep budget cutting, city officials have little wiggle room left, come the start of the new fiscal year this summer. And much of that will depend on how far along the economy comes on the path to recovery.

Yes, 2012 will test the resolve of police, city officials and the political establishment in a region left brittle by a protracted recession. But the new year also holds more promise than 2011 did.

Major investments in the Glendale Galleria and Americana at Brand again will reshape Glendale’s downtown business core, and a slowly recovering economy could spur auto sales — an all important source of tax revenue for the city.

With all that turbulence coming our way, we are rooting and hoping that our city’s leaders, stakeholders and just regular folks will rise to the occasion.
