
An issue couched in a metaphor


You’ve seen it. We’ve all seen it. A once adored household member unceremoniously kicked to the curb and left to deteriorate in the noonday sun. A sofa, once chosen for its beauty and comfort, once appreciated by family and friends, now discarded and left to rot at the curb. After a few sun-baked days, the sofa vultures begin to circle, penknife in hand, waiting for the right moment to eviscerate the cushions, leaving gaping patches of internal workings exposed to public view, now no longer wanted by anyone. The sofa slaughter is complete.

Fellow Glendale residents, please rise above this wanton practice and make wiser choices with your discarded family belongings. We know you don’t love them anymore, but why should we bare the brunt of your despair? Call bulky item pickup at (818) 548-3916 to assure a humane and proper disposal of the remains. Better yet, give your sofa a new lease on life by calling one of the several charities who will pick it up and offer someone else a home to this unwanted family member that you once enjoyed. Please stop this senseless sofa slaughter!

Peter Rusch
