
Glendale puts official stamp on higher developer fees

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Park and library impact fees paid by apartment and single-family developers are set to more than double following a unanimous City Council vote on Tuesday.

For developers of multi-unit projects, the per-unit impact fee will jump from $7,000 to $18,751. Single-family development fees will increase from $7,000 to $21,828 and office-space fees will rise from $3.26 per square foot to $7.92 per square foot.

Council members voted to raise the rates after keeping them below a consultant’s recommendation for years in order to encourage new development.

Now, Glendale is experiencing one of the biggest building booms in decades as roughly 3,800 apartment units are either in the entitlement process, under construction or recently approved south of the Ventura (134) Freeway.

Developers of projects that are considered in the pipeline — those that are ready for a preliminary design review or have already received initial council approval — will not have to pay the increased fees.

There are currently 15 pipeline projects that would not be charged the extra fee, according to a city report. To get in the pipeline now, developers must submit an application within the next 30 days.

During the last fiscal year, which ended on June 30, Glendale collected about $1.7 million in development impact fees for parks and libraries, according to a city report.

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