
Farewell, Tampa - here comes Charlotte

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TAMPA, Fla. – As the Republican National Convention draws to a close, the Democratic National Convention ramps up in Charlotte, North Carolina, 575 miles to the north.

This has been an incredible experience for me. I’ve had an incredible time meeting delegates, protesters and just regular folks from our area. I think I got a few interesting stories and a few decent photos, but now it’s time for me to head back to Southern California.

I’ll be passing the baton to Steve Appleford, who is features editor by day and political junkie by night. He’ll be covering the goings on at the DNC much as I have for the RNC. Please be sure to turn to this page next week for the local side of the Democratic Party’s convention.

But for now, I’m going to enjoy a couple days off, and perhaps get a bit of sleep. Thanks for reading!

-- Dan Evans, Times Community News
Twitter: @EditorDanEvans
