
Gang member faces vandalism charge

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A reputed member of the Glendale-based gang Toonerville faces vandalism charges after police accused him of spray-painting graffiti on a building in Glendale, officials said.

Ronal Perez, 32, was charged with vandalism and violating a criminal street gang injunction, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office.

Perez, who is also known as “Lil Shady,” is listed as a Toonerville gang member and was served with a 2009 injunction against gang members and associates, according to Carmen Merino, the city’s police general counsel.

The court order prohibits those named in the injunction from engaging in gang-related activities and from associating with each other within the so-called Los Angeles River-Glendale safety zone, which includes Palmer and Chevy Chase parks.

Any violation of the restrictions could result in a misdemeanor charge, fines and jail time.

Palmer Park is roughly two blocks away from Shakey’s Pizza Parlor, where police said they spotted Perez about 4:11 a.m. Saturday.

He was at the corner of Glendale and Palmer avenues when police noticed he was reportedly trying to hide behind a newsstand.

Officers saw a black spray can in Perez’s hand. He reportedly told them he found it lying on the ground. Gang members and associates served with the injunction are not allowed to possess graffiti tools.

Police also noticed a 35-inch-tall letter “T” was painted on the south wall of the pizza parlor. Police said Perez denied owning the spray can as well as “tagging” the walls.

According to police, however, officers reportedly drove past the pizza restaurant at midnight and didn’t see a “T” marking, which was about 15 feet away from Perez.

Perez told police he hasn’t been active in a gang for some time.

Still, Perez was arrested on suspicion of vandalism and engaging in criminal acts for the benefit of a gang, police said.

After being served with the injunction, Perez was convicted in October 2011 for contempt of court, according to records from Los Angeles County Superior Court.


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