
Letter: Getting the word out about a lawsuit

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On April 20 a state appellate court affirmed a trial court decision that held the tiered water rates of San Juan Capistrano, similar to those used in Glendale, violated the state constitution. The lawyer on the prevailing side, Ben Benumof, on Jan. 13 filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Glendale Coalition for Better Government, raising the same constitutional challenge to Glendale water rates.

By a press release of Jan. 27, the Coalition informed the Glendale News-Press of this lawsuit. Subsequently others brought it to the paper’s attention. However, the newspaper decided not to publish one word regarding this lawsuit even though its parent newspaper, the Los Angeles Times, on Feb. 26 reported on the pending San Juan Capistrano appellate case and saw it to mention that a similar action had been filed against the city of Glendale.

So complete has this Glendale News-Press blackout been that a relatively well-informed candidate for City Council confessed to being completely unaware of the suit.

More than three months have passed since that lawsuit was filed. I believe it’s past time for Glendale’s paper of record to inform its readership of the suit’s existence, even if it’s by way of a letter to its Forum page.

Frank Gallo

Editor’s Note: The writer is president of the Glendale Coalition for Better Government.
