
Letter: Time to hold CV Water District’s candidates to promises

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On Nov. 5, we are scheduled to have elections in the Crescenta Valley. I ask you to consider Charles Beatty for Crescenta Valley Water District Board of Directors.

He is the candidate most uniquely qualified for this seat. He has served as a member of the CV Town Council and in that capacity has proven to be very effective councilmember, forward thinking, reasonable and hard-working. He was a member and past president of the Crescenta-Cañada Board of Realtors and a former chief executive of the Montrose/Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce. He has lived and worked in the Crescenta Valley for the past 65 years.

In the past two elections, rising water and sewer rates were major campaign issues. However no campaign promises have been met and no movement or action toward a better course for our community has been undertaken. It is time to hold the current board members, specifically three of them that are running for re-election, to their campaign promises. They promised to obtain reductions in water and sewer rates for the residents and reduce dependence on expensive imported water. Instead, the past four years water and sewer charges have increased dramatically every year.

Charles Beatty will work toward a brighter future as he has promised to look for several options to reduce water and sewer rates. One of the options is using solar power to reduce electricity, which is a major component in water delivery cost. Another option is to take care of CVWD’s capital expenditures such as infrastructure repair by offering municipal bonds at low interest, as has been done the past.

Please join me in voting for Charles Beatty for CVWD District Board of Directors.

Vasken Yardemian
La Crescenta

Editor’s Note: The writer is a former member of the Crescenta Valley Water District Board of Directors.
