
Mailbag: So-called Christians should read the manual

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If Christianity were illegal, would there be evidence to convict you? I ask because Christianity is not a closet religion; what Christ conveys, we’re obliged to champion. Evidence will be our words and actions, and we’ve been historically persecuted for this.

Christians defend children gestating in their mother’s wombs. Society says, “Kill them, they aren’t really human unless they’re wanted.” Jesus says “Don’t murder,” yet these human offspring are dissected and society applauds. Why? It’s faithless, and Christian objection receives society’s jackboot.

No homosexual ... will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9-10 NIV). Christians didn’t think that up, Christ did. Patrick Caneday says he hasn’t the right to oppose homosexual marriage, neither as an American nor Christian, yet Americans perennially debate laws (“Why I’m still a Christian,” Aug. 7).

God too has laws — ultimate, non-debatable. People split when they collide, especially in our “one nation under God.” If anyone has a right, nay, obligation to speak, it’s Christians. Christ said we’re “the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness ... It is no longer good” (Mat 5:13 NIV). So we’re salty, and contentious, but that’s because God wants us good for something.

Vampire book author Anne Rice wants Christ without Christianity. This prompted Caneday’s article. Rice despises Christians she’s encountered, so she disavows all relationship. Absurd! Does anyone like everyone? She complains about stereotypes yet forgets spiritual growth happens communally. Caneday gets this, sort of, but it’s unclear if he embraces Christianity in theory, or if he actually associates Christianity on Sundays.

We grow by contact. I fear people who claim such Christianity aren’t reading the manual. They make it up rather than live according to Christ’s words. Rice needs to get some red blood back in her veins, and Caneday, now that you’ve “come out,” pick up your spiritual armor and join us in the war, brother.

Rev. Bryan Griem


Editor’s note: Griem is a regular contributor to the In Theory feature and pastor at Montrose Community Church.

Water rate hikes worthy of protest

The city of Glendale has stuck it to us again!

Last year, we all received letters from Glendale Water & Power telling us we had to limit watering our lawns to just three days per week because of the continuing drought here in Southern California. Now we all get letters from Glendale Water & Power telling us they want to increase our water rates because (surprise!) “the city incurred a revenue shortfall due to decreased sales.”

They forgot to mention that they imposed the “decreased sales” through mandatory restrictions on outdoor irrigation!

They need more money, they say, because of their “expenses” and “debt obligations” without telling us what those are. Any chance their “debt obligations” include bloated pensions? Or has Glendale Water & Power loaned or given money to the city, like big brother Department of Water and Power bailed out the city of L.A.?

And how much do they want to stick to us on this proposed rate increase? Only 15%! How many readers of the Glendale News-Press got a 15% raise this year? I sure didn’t.

Glendale Water & Power tells us the “average residential family” will only pay about $2.50 more per month for water. But this “average” family only uses 1,900 cubic feet of water in a month. I don’t believe it! My “average” family includes four people, and we use a whole lot more than 1,900 cubic feet of water in a month, even with letting the lawns go brown.

I for one plan to file a written protest against this proposed rate increase. And I urge all of the News-Press’ readers to do the same.

Richard Euson

