
Vapor devices come up at CV Alliance meeting

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The CV Alliance attracted nearly 100 people Friday morning to hear a discussion on recent drug trends and services available to Glendale Unified students.

The group, which aims to prevent underage kids from using drugs or alcohol, hosts regular meetings and workshops that address topics spanning from teen suicide to depression to bullying.

On Friday, Glendale Unified Supt. Dick Sheehan pointed to how the district hired Geo Listening to monitor public posts made by students as a means to intervene when students refer to drug use, violence or suicide.

“In today’s world, a lot of kids post things [on social media] more publicly than they ever have and they will talk about their issues very publicly,” he said. “Some of the things that we see are pretty amazing…when they do it in this fashion, a lot of times they’re reaching out.”

In speaking of recent drug trends, Glendale Police Sgt. Tom Lorenz said a common way for teens to smoke marijuana is through a vapor device.

“Most of us think they get a pipe, they get a bong, they get a joint, they smoke it,” he said, saying that wasn’t the case today.

Glendale Police have raided labs where residents were found to be using butane to extract the essential oil of marijuana plants.

The highly flammable use of butane in the process creates a dangerous potential for an explosion, he said.

“Small marijuana groves are turning into honey labs…that’s where the money is,” Lorenz said.

He went on today that cocaine, methamphetamine and Vicodin could also be used in vapor devices.

School officials said Friday that they will give free drug test kits to parents who ask for them at the school district.

Scott Anderle, Glendale Unified’s assistant director of student services said many parents approach him suspicious of their children using drugs. In many cases, he said he suggests they test their kids, adding the district provides kits to those who ask.

Troy Rudnick, who is the general manager at Crystal Vapor, recently told the La Cañada Valley Sun that he sees kids often enter his shop trying to buy e-cigarettes without an ID. Such sales are illegal.

“I could tell you stories,” Rudnick said. “We ask for ID, and they say, ‘Oh, I left it in my car,’ and they’ll go out and never come back. We don’t sell to anyone under 18, because we want to stay open.”


Follow Kelly Corrigan on Twitter: @kellymcorrigan.


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