
GWP to send energy-saving tips and alerts via text and email

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Glendale Water & Power is turning to texting and emails to remind customers of how to conserve energy during the hottest days of the summer.

Ahead of some of the hottest and peak energy-usage days of the season, the utility plans to embark on a pilot program where it will shoot out emails and texts to patrons with tips on how to reduce reliance on electricity.

Tips are simple and range from adjusting air conditioning a few degrees to delaying the use of large appliances such as dishwashers

“Considering the high temperatures we’ve experienced this year, this program is a great opportunity for our customers to save energy on hot days,” said Steve Zurn, general manager of Glendale Water & Power, in an email. “Our priority is to make sure that our customers have the right information and tools to empower them to take action to reduce energy usage during the summer.”

Each customer will also receive feedback from the utility regarding how much energy they used on peak days and additional ways to save during the next peak event.

Utility officials expect to have three to five peak-energy-usage days this summer. All customers can also have the option of opting out of the program.
