
Police arrest machete incident suspect

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A Highland Park man was arrested Tuesday after he allegedly waived a 22 1/2-inch machete at motorists along San Fernando Road.

Elmer Giron, 38, was taken into custody about 10:40 p.m. after officers saw him walking around with the machete in his pants in the intersection of San Fernando Road and Doran Street, according to Glendale police spokeswoman Tahnee Lightfoot.

He was booked for carrying a concealed weapon, she said. The machete had an 18-inch blade.

But moments before, a 25-year-old Burbank man told police he had stopped at the intersection when he saw Giron walk into traffic and remove a machete from his pants, she said.

Giron reportedly approached the man’s car and made a smoking gesture.

He then struck the passenger-side door as the Burbank man drove away.

Police said a second witness confirmed the driver’s account.

Detectives have ruled Giron out as a suspect in another machete incident near San Fernando Road.

In that incident, police said a man was robbed by a machete-wielding man near the Glen Capri Inn & Suites in the 6700 block of San Fernando Road.

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