
Americana screens Shearer film ‘Big Uneasy’

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The Americana at Brand is known for good shopping, good food and good living. On Aug 30, another title was added — movie premiere showcase. The Americana was selected as one of only a few venues in Los Angeles to screen, for one night only, “The Big Uneasy.” It was standing room only as residents from Glendale and its nearby communities packed the multi-plex to watch the new documentary produced by and starring Harry Shearer.

The film’s limited release marked the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s destruction of parts of New Orleans. Documentary buffs were drawn in by the film’s persuasive message that the natural disaster was compounded by faulty decisions and misjudgments. Not a new argument, but one that was visually depicted in the Shearer film.

Glendale residents on hand included Cecelia Walker, Gregory Sims and Joseph Dammann.


The ARK Family Center staff sure knows how to put their youth members to work — for free. An ARK carwash on the corner of Central Avenue and Chevy Chase Drive is held four times a year and is staffed by volunteer youth involved with the family center. Educational Director and Life Coach Melina Sardar supervised, while Executive Director Edward Kudaverdian put in a welcome appearance.

The youth — primarily Glendale Community College students, washed, waxed and buffed more that 50 cars during a six-hour period on Saturday.

Yes, a water fight or two broke out, but the kids got the job done to the tune of $5 a car ($7 for SUVs). Tips were welcomed. It was a bargain anyway you looked at it.

Car washers par excellence from Glendale included Orbel Barseghian, Taguhi Petrosyan and Sevak Arzoomanian. Some 15 others worked earlier shifts.

The day’s proceeds of $700 will go toward the family center’s educational seminars, coaching and mentorship for youth.


Glendale Community College is doing its best for students despite the lack of budgeted funds from the state. To that end, all managers have taken a 3% pay cut since July. Undaunted, the college goes forward with the granting of awards to honor its own.

On Friday, the Academic Senate Luncheon was the main event during Institute Day. Honored with the Parker Award was political science professor John Queen.

After a buffet of chicken cacciatore and penne pasta, prepared and served by the college’s culinary arts students, Queen accepted his award with gratitude and good humor. Queen has taught full time at the college for 18 years. He has served twice as academic senate president. Currently, he is working with the school’s accreditation staff, as well as keeping up with his teaching duties.

VIPs on hand included Supt./President Dawn Lindsay and Dean of Instructional Services Ron Harlan. Faculty present included Professor of Mass Communication Mike Eberts, Professor of Ethnic Studies Mako Tsuyuki and Professor of Biology Kendra Girard. Counselors included Greg Perkins and Paris Noori.

Joe Denhart, recent retiree after 31 years teaching at the college, was there in support of his former colleagues.
