
Tobinworld holds graduation ceremony

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Nearly 30 students graduated from Tobinworld last week, with three of them earning a high-school diploma.

The majority of students — 24 — culminated their academic careers at the school following several years, if not a decade, at the Glendale campus, which serves students who are developmentally or emotionally disabled.

Ten of the school’s students who graduated last Thursday had belonged to the school’s Brill School of Autism for several years.

When the time came to cheer on students at the ceremony, all the parents in attendance cheered for each student with enthusiasm, said Tobinworld Principal Chris Lougheed.

“They were cheering for every kid,” he said. “It was a very warm and whole community type of graduation. Everybody’s real supportive of everybody.”

Lougheed’s wife, Sylvia Lougheed, who recently served as Tobinworld’s middle school principal, also attended the ceremony on campus, following several months of being away while she was receiving cancer treatment, he said.

When she arrived, some students who didn’t fall under her program insisted that she hand them their diplomas, Lougheed said.

“It was the first time she’d been at work since January,” he said. “They were so excited.”

Follow Kelly Corrigan on Twitter: @kellymcorrigan.


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